The Biblical Blueprint of Success & Prosperity

Bernard H Hamilton
12 min readMar 5, 2024

Understanding the Two Parts of the Gospel

The average religious person, especially the Christian, understands the one side of the Gospel because the majority of most conservative Christians are fearful of delving into the other side of the Gospel.

The two parts of the Gospel consists of, 1) The Person of Jesus while the other part addresses, 2) The Principle of Faith and Manifestation taught by Jesus and The Invisible God. The Person of Jesus guarantees your salvation, while The Principles of Faith and Manifestation taught by Jesus guarantees your Success and Prosperity, IF you follow the Biblical Blueprint of Jesus and The Invisible God Himself.

Of course, I know that millions of Christians will also throw in that God also promises trouble (John 16:33). But, you have to realize that trouble goes hand in hand with the success and prosperity. Because, it is through the trouble that you learn and grow in the areas of the success and prosperity, and even abundance.

So why do so many religious people have a problem with the success and prosperity?

Religionist, especially zealous Religionist, have this mixed understanding of money and prosperity. A substantial number view money as something bad and unholy, with success and prosperity leading you down a “worldly” path of separation from the things of God. Nevertheless, it is God Himself who promotes success and prosperity throughout Scripture, from a biblical perspective. But given this misinformed view of money, success and prosperity, most religious people neglect and overlook God’s Success Principles all together resigning only to pummel people and the world with the person of Jesus the Christ and the message of hell and damnation.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with sharing your faith, but to neglect the other side of God’s message has been a major flaw and tragedy in the psyche of many religious people who are “saved” yet financially broke by the time they enter the Kingdom.

The Biblical Blueprint of Success and Prosperity

In the Old Testament, God spoke to Joshua, after Moses’ departure, and said, “Study the Book of Instruction (the Law) continually meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you PROSPER and SUCCEED in all you do (Joshua 1:8, NLT).

So, God gave mankind the principles to succeed, BUT it was man’s responsibility to meditate and work to SUCCEED. Put another way, if you want to success and prosper you have to meditate and do the work, “only then will you prosper.” Therefore, Success and Prosperity is on you, not God. It’s on you. And if you fail to do the work of meditating day and night on the instructions, you only have yourself to blame.

No one is going to deliver you from the environment that you live in or the family that you came from. You are responsible for you. So if you don’t plan to meditate and work, then don’t plan to succeed. Because, God says you won’t succeed if you don’t meditate and work of faith!

Here’s the problem. Because so many religious people have a “poverty” mindset, as being holier than successful people who have money, they actually believe that all they have to do is attend church every week, give a weekly tithe, cry out to this, God outside of themselves, for help, and He’ll just swoop down from a high perch in heaven and give them everything they need emotionally, financially and physically. But that’s not how it works. God didn’t say, “Do me a favor by going to church every week and give me a tithe,” and I’ll make you successful and prosperous. God didn’t say that!

Understand, as a result of the instructions to meditate day and night on biblical principles from the Book of Instructions (The Law), your success is no longer in the hands of God anymore. It’s on you to live your life at a spiritually high level that no one else can live but you.

You want to make more money? That’s on you. You want to create your own business? That’s on you. You want a solid, loving relationship? That’s on you. You want to move out of that rental property and buy your own home? That’s on you.

You are responsible for you. And God has given you the Biblical Blueprint to manifest the life you desire to live, if only you will meditate day and night, and do the work of faith to be, do, and have that which you imagine yourself to be.

We can’t blame poverty or our failures on the devil, if we are not meditating on biblical principles that lead us to biblical abundance. Because, God wants His children to prosper (Jeremiah 29:11) so that we can represent the Kingdom of God in a reputable fashion.

Mother Teresa as An Example
In an article written by Jennifer O’Brien on a website known as the “The List,” upon Mother Teresa’s death, it was revealed that she had saved a lot of her money over her lifetime. The icon for compassion was always thought to put others before herself and could often be found helping someone in need or showing no fear when caring for others. So it came as a surprise for those who were looking that Mother Teresa actually died, according to “Celebtattle,” with a net worth that exceeded $100 million dollars.

Because Mother Teresa meditated and studied, day and night in the Book of the Instruction, and did the work of faith, she was prosperous and successful. She followed the Blueprint of faith that led to the physical manifestation of abundance for the work of her ministry and herself.

What’s The Instruction from the Book?
The Book of Instruction was capsulized by Jesus in Matthew 22:37–40, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest command. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandment.” Now, meditate day and night on loving God, yourself, and people in the world. Put another way, Put God First, in everything you do. When you wake up in the morning, give God praises of thanksgiving for another day of life and provision. Thank Him every day for everything in your life. Secondly, be sure to love yourself every day thanking God for all your gifts, talents, and all that you are capable of creating and influencing. You are special and should let yourself know that every day with confidence and assurance with the Spirit of God indwelling your temporary body as His Sanctuary while you’re here on earth representing the Kingdom. And lastly, because of the love you have for God and yourself, love those around you in your inner and outer circle letting them experience the love of God that flows through you on a daily basis. By living like this, you are living life at the highest spiritual spectrum of possibility for yourself.
Living your life at such a high “Fruit of the Spirit” level of existence (i.e. “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control’ (Galatians 5:22–23), you align yourself with the Invisible God of the Universe to succeed and prosper in the Burning Desires of your heart, in spite of guaranteed troubles (John 16:33), in spite of making mistakes along the way. As long as you don’t give up, you can never lose. You can only learn and grow; and succeed and prosper along the journey towards your ultimate destinations. That’s the beauty of following The Biblical Blueprint of Success and Prosperity.

So What Does All This Mean in the Here and Now?
With 95% of all people from all walks of life falling extremely short of their dreams in the here and now, we that desire to live our best lives must become mindful of how to transform our current mediocre existence into one that we truly want to live. As a result, we have to reprogram our minds, subconsciously, by changing our daily routines and habit, spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially, while incorporating self-affirmation meditations repetitiously, “day and night,” for the purpose of changing our inner way of thinking, living and learning to guarantee the principles of Jesus and the invisible God that will lead to success and prosperity while being pursued with a persist faith as a state of mind.

What God Truly Intended For You
God never intended for you to endure life. Jesus said, “I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). He wants you to enjoy it. When we don’t trust God with the principles Jesus taught along with the Good News of the Gospel, we can’t succeed and prosper at the highest levels without the Good News of the Gospel of Faith and Manifestation. Men stay poor in spirit, poor in thought, poor financially, poor living their dreams when they settle for less like the majority of people they conform to. That’s why we’re encouraged to; “Do not conform to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind,” (Romans 12:2). Again, it goes back to meditation from the inside out, morning and night, while pursuing your dreams.

So, there you have it. Instead of believing in the principles of success and prosperity embedded in the Kingdom of God within each man and woman, most people go to work each day believing in a world system that relies on human effort alone, that can and does lead millions of people to poverty and despair, overtime. Because, they intentionally trust in a worldly system that doesn’t work instead of trust in The Kingdom System that guarantee Success and Prosperity through faith principles.

So Where Does That Leave the Kingdom Principle?
We all have equal opportunities on earth if we diligently live our lives based on faith, asking and believing that what you want in the future is already a present fact, as a state of mind through daily meditation of what we desire through our daily thoughts, feelings, imagination; day and night. Our dominant thoughts must become one of success and prosperity knowing that through our thoughts, feelings, and imagination, through the power of God, the manifestation of what we desire becomes a forgone conclusion.

When you begin to think with an attitude of Love, Peace, and Joy; it doesn’t matter where you start in life. It’s where you finish. You can start at the bottom and end up at the top using the principles of Jesus. If you meditate day and night, on what you want without quitting, “You shall make your way prosperous and then you will have good success” (Joshua 1:8).

Who Is This Success and Prosperity Principle For?
The principles of Jesus and the Kingdom of God are not just for a few people, but for all people who will follow the principles. Remember was Jesus said. He said, “The children of this world are wiser than the children of light,” (Luke 16:8). Not because their holier. But because they actually practice God’s Biblical Principles far better than the children of light who profess it, but who didn’t apply it. And therein lies the problem with success and prosperity with those who know better. Again, because 95% percent of the world will not follow the principles of Jesus and the Kingdom, but will follow the system of the world.

The majority of the world depend on people, jobs, government, and society as a whole to help them and support them. If you are in this category, without reprogramming of your mind to meditate daily on these biblical principles, it will be impossible for you to prosper at an optimum level. You will consistently be at the mercy of other people’s generosity. Ask yourself, “How many relatives do I have that try to depend on you on a regular basis?” As such, in most cases, you can never come out of a poverty mindset if you have to depend on somebody else to help you all the time.

Having said that, there’s another kind of person out there who is constantly complaining and talking about how bad things are in the world and how it’s not getting any better. They focus on the negative instead of the positive. “As you think in your heart (subconscious) so are you” (Proverbs 23:7). Because of their negative mindset about life and the world, they generally have a negative outlook on the world that effect who and what they attract into their personal lives. These individuals can in fact make good money but lose out on so many other kinds of success and prosperity not related to money. They’re tribal in their thinking which limits their reach in the world in making a difference in so many other people’s lives. This is a class of average minded people who generally settle for mediocre thinking never reach the full potential of success and prosperity due to the lack of love so encourages all of us in society to strive for. What a pity.

And then there’s the 5% percenters, the Kingdom Builders who vehemently practice the success principles of Jesus and the Invisible God, sometimes, not even knowing that their practicing Kingdom principles. These are people who set goals that they desire to pursue with a clear plan and a purpose. They meditate day and night on what they want to be, do, and have knowing that God, Infinite Source, Universal Power, whatever they want to call Him (or Her) is the power behind their dreams and imagination. They write down their dreams. They program their minds and hearts for success visualizing the life that can only be manifested by the God of the Universe. They know that God has given them the mind to create their dreams, but they also know that only God Himself can actually manifest that life. They fully understand the Success and Prosperity Principles of Jesus and the Kingdom along with the risks and worldly troubles that accompany them.

They strive to manifest ideas that have the potential of creating wealth based on biblical principles that can make the world a better place. These are people who think and work through problems trusting God for a solution, from within themselves. They put to practice the instructions of Joshua 1:8 without skipping a beat. So, there you have it. People who fully embrace the principles of Jesus and the invisible God, in spite of the religious hogwash that Hippocratic zealots fanatically believe and endorse.

So Is It too late for you to manifest the success and prosperity promised in God’s Blue Print?
No man or woman is too old or too young to live a successful and prosper life on this side of heaven. You can start where you are, and give your time, gifts, talents, and treasures to create the life you truly desire to live knowing that someone who has a problem, that you can solve, for a price. And they will freely pay the price for services rendered.

There is something you have that someone else needs to make their life better. It can be a gift and/or talent that will allow you to create a door of success and prosperity for yourself while creating a blessing for them, if you just get started to change your current mundane life. And what you’ll figure out is that if you don’t give up on your dreams, your dreams won’t give up on you. Then, God will raise you to a new level of success and prosperity, because God’s success principles are available to anyone and everyone, everywhere. All you have to understand is that since we are guaranteed to have problems in the world, we can be of good cheer knowing that each of us has a gift or talent to bring solutions to the world. Because there are problems to solve everywhere, and all you need to provide is a solution, if you meditate day and night on the love of God waiting on the wisdom to figure out the solutions. So with more problems in the world there is more success and prosperity that awaits you, no matter how young or old you may be. That’s why millions of people no longer attend religious assemblies. Because they are unable to find people who can solve their immediate problems. You can be that person.

So where do you start?
You can start wherever you reside. You just have to ask yourself, “What are the problems in my city and community that I can potentially resolve?” What you may not know is that where you live, is where the invisible God has assigned a problem just for you to solve. And whatever you decide to do, you have to do it with excellence. Your goal is to always exceed people’s expectation. You have to refuse to settle for mediocrity if you plan on obtaining lasting success and prosperity. Because, you’re not just a teacher. You’re God’s representative in the teaching field. You’re not just a real estate agent. You’re God’s representative in the real estate business. You’re not just an entrepreneur. You’re God’s man or woman providing a needed service for all mankind.

Success and Prosperity Summary
Therefore, if you want to prosper, whatever you do, it should be accomplished using Kingdom principles taught by The King of kings himself. So don’t just decide to prosper. Take the right action to succeed and prosper using the Biblical Blueprint. Figure out what your burning desire is that brings joy into your life that you can share with the world in a profitable manner, while developing a definite plan and purpose that you can use to make a difference in the world. So, follow the Blueprint of God.

Bernard H Hamilton, BS, MAPC, Th.M.

Bernard is Former Senior Pastor, Counselor, Spiritual Influencer, Entrepreneur, and Author of a number of faith and manifestation books that make manifesting simple.
Visit his faith/manifestation store at

