The Gospel of Faith and Manifestation

Bernard H Hamilton
4 min readMar 4, 2024


The movie, “The Secret,” released March 23, 2006, based on the self-help book written by Rhonda Byrne piqued the interest of millions of people worldwide.

The 3 rules of The Secret are to ask the Universe what you want in three steps: ASK, BELIEVE, and RECEIVE. According to the movie, by doing so, the Universe serves as your personal genie who will give you what you want through the Law of Attraction (LOA). Through the energy of your thoughts, you attract experiences of like energies that are drawn into your personal life. Of course, The Secret really wasn’t a secret as this principle was taught by Jesus himself in Mark 11:24 where he said to his disciples, “Whatever you ASK for in prayer, BELIEVE that you have RECEIVED it, and it will be yours” (ESV).

Jesus had previously said in the same chapter to his disciples, “assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says,” (Mark 11:23, NKJV) with Jesus’ major emphasis being on FAITH and manifest what you ask for without doubting on what you ask for.

Fast forward to 2024, no scientific evidence supports the law of attraction. However, according to a study by the National Science Foundation found that about 25% of people who try law of attraction techniques report some success. And as of 2022, the global law of attraction industry has shown annual growth rates ranging from 6% — 11%. Also, according to the United States Department of Labor, there are around 16 thousand life coaches working in America today. The key is to make the principles of Mark 11:24 more efficient and effective.

Since the advent of the movie The Secret, so called life couch gurus have changed a little on how LOA works and whether or not you even need God or the Universe to manifest the good that you desire. Some people follow the teachings of Neville Goddard who says that our imagination is the “God in us,” and that we assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled by “living in the end,” as if we already have what we ask for. In reality, pieces of the Law of Attraction and the Law of Assumption are very similar to The Gospel of Faith taught by Jesus, with a few variations. And this does not take into consideration the neurological studies regarding the faith and manifestation. Most physicists leave God completely out of the faith equation when addressing quantum physics since the Spirit of God cannot be seen under a microscope.

Nevertheless, Jesus clearly teaches a “faith in God” approach to manifesting the life you can have if only you learn how to believe in God when considering your belief in God with FAITH being a state of mind both consciously and emotionally that ushers in what wasn’t discussed in The Secret, the Law of Vibration.

Having said all that, while some believe in Law of Attraction with man as a “little god,” and your imagination as “the God in you,” and physicists stating there is no scientific evidence of an invisible faith, Jesus taught The Gospel of Faith that Manifests a life you want IF you’ll just believe in God to do the physical manifestation of your inner spiritual manifestation. Of course, Jesus would be hard pressed if he were physically here in answering the questions of our modern day scientist regarding the evidence of FAITH in relationship to the Law of Attraction.

Jesus taught a FAITH that starts and end with seeking “first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,” (Matthew 6:33) where God adds what a person wants as an after thought. Jesus does not teach a faith that doesn’t include God in the process of manifesting ones desires, because he said, “For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20, NKJV). This puts man as the “temple of God” as taught by The Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 3:16, NLJV, “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?”

So then, with “The God in you,” in the temple of God, The Spirit of God can in fact take your thoughts, feelings, and even your imagination and MANIFEST your physical desires, “according to your faith” (Matthew 9:29, NKJV). Because, every person, whether they know it or not, is manifesting everyday with God in attendance within our personal physical sanctuaries manifesting physically our internal groanings of thoughts, emotions, and imaginings that cannot be uttered. (Romans 8:26, NKJV).

So, The Gospel of Faith and Manifestation is a simple belief that Jesus taught his disciples that has been misconstrued over time, to leave out some very important pieces that has truly made Faith and Manifestation spiritually misunderstood. But is FAITH and MANIFESTATION real, as taught by Jesus? That is an unequivocal YES. However, it is your responsibility to execute the ASK, BELIEVE, and RECEIVE, faith rules in the manner it was taught and intended by Jesus, The Messiah.

Bernard H Hamilton, BS, MAPC, Th.M.
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Bernard is a Former Senior Pastor, Spiritual Influencer, Counselor, Speaker and Author of a number of Manifestation Books

